Riad Color Safrà
Riad Sabor Safrà

Discover the magic

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Your home in Marrakech

Riad Color Safrà and Riad Sabor Safrà are two riads in the heart of the Medina of Marrakech, comfortable and beautiful, mixing the unique local crafts with current ingredients.

We want you to leave with a huge smile and a heart full of memories. We are a family from Barcelona with experience of 3 generations in the hospitality industry and we will bring you our love for this city, to make your stay easy, extraordinary and unforgettable.

You will always find us present and we can advise you not only on the most visited
tourist monuments, but of the small and numerous little known museums and the different options in special restaurants where you can enjoy days and nights, personalizing your stay according to your interests.

We know not only the history but also the present and the modernity from the other side of the city.

Our staff at your service is friendly and welcoming. with a great human quality and we work with collaborators and trusted guides

We can offer you, transport, excursions, long journeys, etc.

If you give us your trust, we hope to get what we have proposed: make your holidays the best experience